cost estimation

cost estimation
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Англо-русский технический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "cost estimation" в других словарях:

  • Cost estimation models — are mathematical algorithms or parametric equations used to estimate the costs of a product or project. The results of the models are typically necessary to obtain approval to proceed, and are factored into business plans, budgets, and other… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost estimation in software engineering — The ability to accurately estimate the time and/or cost taken for a project to come in to its successful conclusion is a serious problem for software engineers. The use of a repeatable, clearly defined and well understood software development… …   Wikipedia

  • cost estimation — The procedure that uses estimated unit costs for both direct costs and overheads in order to build up the estimated costs of products, services, and processes for the purposes of planning, control, and pricing …   Accounting dictionary

  • Cost of War — is a real time cost estimation counter for the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War maintained by the National Priorities Project. As of June 1, 2010 both wars had a combined estimated cost of over 1 trillion dollars, separately the Iraq War had an… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost modeling — Financial transactions on the markets incure costs, whether they be market access fees, or market impact on the price of the security traded.Cost modeling is the subject that tries to give a proper mathematical dynamics to the cost process in… …   Wikipedia

  • estimation — 1. Fowler described the use of estimation in the phrase in my estimation (= in my opinion) as ‘illiterate’, a verdict which is negated by several centuries of use in this meaning: • The dearest of men in my estimation E. W. Lane, 1841 • It was… …   Modern English usage

  • estimation — es‧ti‧ma‧tion [ˌestˈmeɪʆn] noun [countable] 1. your opinion of the value, nature etc of someone or something: • His skills and abilities make him, in my estimation, an ideal candidate for the board of governors. 2. a calculation of what the… …   Financial and business terms

  • estimation — estimation, estimate both mean the act of valuing or appraising, but they are rarely interchangeable. In general, estimation implies the manner or measure in which a person or thing is valued or esteemed {the degree in which he is held in… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Cost escalation — is defined as changes in the cost or price of specific goods or services in a given economy over a period of time. This is a similar to the concepts of inflation and deflation except that escalation is specific to an item or class of items (not… …   Wikipedia

  • estimation — I (calculation) noun admeasurement, appraisal, appraisement, approximate calculation, approximate judgment of value, approximation, assessment, assumption, computation, conjecture, considered guess, deduction, educated guess, estimate, evaluation …   Law dictionary

  • Оценка затрат (COST ESTIMATION)  — Прогнозирование себестоимости посредством оценки соотношений между стоимостью (зависимой переменной) и одной или несколькими независимыми переменными (часы прямых трудозатрат, машино часы, единицы произведенной продукции и т. п.). Также результат …   Словарь терминов по управленческому учету

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